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Charleston’s Angels: Fundraiser and Film Preview
20 September 2011 11:46 AM | No Comments -
ABC News 4 : Angel Oak Development Hits Roadblock
19 March 2010 6:21 PM | No Comments -
Final Report on the Effects of Developing Angel Oak Village
04 March 2009 6:29 PM | No Comments -
CCDRB Unanimously DENIED Angel Oak Village’s application
25 January 2009 6:33 PM | 1 Comment
We need support for the Charleston County Meeting
16 July 2013 7:15 AM | 1 Comment -
City of Charleston Council Meeting
21 November 2011 3:11 PM | 4 Comments -
Let City Council know you care about Angel Oak!
21 November 2011 10:28 AM | 2 Comments -
Charleston’s Angels: Fundraiser and Film Preview
20 September 2011 11:46 AM | No Comments -
Angel Oak won’t benefit from purchase
16 August 2011 9:37 AM | No Comments -
Angel Oak at Bonnaroo
07 June 2011 12:37 AM | 1 Comment -
Warren Peper interviews Samantha Siegel
19 April 2011 10:17 AM | No Comments -
Angel Oak Development Alert: City proposes to pay more than $500,000 of public funds to private Developer.
21 March 2011 7:05 PM | No Comments
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- Cone Gruenloh Law Firm Mike represents a group of concerned citizens free of charge in our fight to see that the land around the Angel Oak Tree is developed in a responsible manner that preserves the beauty and health of The Angel Oak and surrounding wetlands.
- Tom Steenhuysen Photographer, Web Developer ~ :)
Websites about the Angel Oak Tree
- Angel Oak on
- Angel Oak Tree History The history of the Angel Oak Tree
- Road Side America
- Steve's Forestry Blog
- Views of America
- Wikipedia – Angel Oak
Important News & Info
Charleston’s Angels: Fundraiser and Film Preview
The TreeSpirit Project and Save The Angel Oak team up to offer a special evening of art and activism at the Terrace Theater on November 3, 2011 at 7pm. View the Charleston-based... -
ABC News 4 : Angel Oak Development Hits Roadblock
The Angel Oak on Johns Island has been the subject of several recent articles, each focusing on how the Sea Island Planned Unit Development (Sea Island) may affect the great... -
Final Report on the Effects of Developing Angel Oak Village
Final Report on the Effects of Developing Angel Oak Village Prepared for Dana Beach, Coastal Conservation League by Jean Everett, PhD Department of Biology, College of Charleston Summary: The Angel Oak Village development plan,...
Latest Headlines
We need support for the Charleston County Meeting
PLEASE attend Charleston County Council meeting and speak in support of the Lowcountry Open Land Trust’s application to receive greenbelt funds to purchase the 17-acre parcel immediately adjacent to the Angel Oak for use as a public park. We have worked so hard to save the Angel Oak and this Tuesday it is imperative that [...] -
City of Charleston Council Meeting
WHEN : Tuesday, November 22nd @ 5 pm WHERE : Council Chambers, City Hall, 80 Broad Street Please come speak out for the Angel Oak at this City Council meeting! Charleston City Council member Kathleen Wilson has placed a discussion of the Angel Oak Planned Unit Development (PUD) on council’s November 22nd agenda. This is a perfect opportunity for [...] -
Let City Council know you care about Angel Oak!
You can make a big difference in just 5 minutes. That’s all it takes to learn the issues and send a letter, fax or email to the City of Charleston. 1) Go to and click on all the discussion points you want added to your letter to the City of Charleston. (you will also get a [...] -
Charleston’s Angels: Fundraiser and Film Preview
The TreeSpirit Project and Save The Angel Oak team up to offer a special evening of art and activism at the Terrace Theater on November 3, 2011 at 7pm. View the Charleston-based segment filmed at the Angel Oak last May—which made Charleston TV news headlines. That event brought naked people to pose with the ancient Angel Oak to [...] -
Angel Oak won’t benefit from purchase
BY SAMANTHA J. SIEGEL Tuesday, August 16, 2011 The public certainly has their eyes on the controversial Angel Oak Village Development. We are thrilled that the Charleston County Council Finance Committee rejected the City’s proposal to buy the already protected ‘conservation area’ from the developer at their meeting Thursday night. We should all be very grateful that City [...] -
Angel Oak at Bonnaroo
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Warren Peper interviews Samantha Siegel
Warren Peper interviews Samantha Siegel // Share| -
Angel Oak Development Alert: City proposes to pay more than $500,000 of public funds to private Developer.
Angel Oak Development Alert: Please come to this Tuesday’s City Council meeting! Please come to the Charleston City Council meeting, tomorrow, 5pm, Tuesday, 3/22 @ Stiles Point Elementary School. 883-A Mikell Drive, Charleston, SC 29412.[Get Driving Directions] (843) 762-2767. Controversies surrounding the ancient Angel Oak will be reappearing on City Council’s agenda this Tuesday night. The agenda includes [...] -
Important Public Meeting on March 3rd, 2011!
This meeting will affect the Angel Oak Village Development 3/10, 5pm, Charleston A public meeting that will affect the Angel Oak Village Development! We need strength in numbers–please plan to attend. The City of Charleston CCDRB meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m., on THURSDAY March 10 in the Meeting Room, Third Floor at 75 Calhoun St (Charleston [...] -
Info about the Angel Oak Tree
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Don’t bypass Design Board
Don’t bypass Design Board Tuesday, November 16, 2010 When other cities were tearing down aging inner-city buildings and erecting towering new ones, Charleston resisted. It often was more difficult to adapt old buildings for new uses, but Charleston continues to prosper because of those extra efforts. Similarly, since 1999, Charleston has benefited from the work of the [...] -
Speak out onbid to changezoning rules
Speak out onbid to changezoning rules BY SAMANTHA J. SIEGEL Tuesday, November 16, 2010 On Wednesday, the city of Charleston Planning Commission will host a public meeting on a proposed amendment to the city’s Zoning Ordinance that will affect development in Charleston forever. The ordinance would give developers a chance to move through the permit process [...] -
a public meeting that will affect the Angel Oak Village Development
On Wednesday, November 17, The City of Charleston Planning Commission will host a public meeting that will present an amendment to the City’s Zoning Ordinance that will affect the Angel Oak Village Development. The proposed ordinance would give developers a chance to move through the permit process faster by changing the role of the Commercial [...] -
Encounter with Angel Oak leads to conservation path
Having lived in several states and held numerous jobs and with a college degree at least several years away, Samantha Siegel was confused about her future in the mid-1990s. But one meeting with Johns Island’s ancient Angel Oak changed everything. “I came to the Angel Oak and I was reborn,” said Siegel, now 28, who after seeing [...] -
A Queen’s Prayer for the Angel Oak : Gullah/Geechee TV Nayshun Nyews with Queen Quet Ep 35 Parts 1-3
Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation interviews Lorna Young Hattler, founder of “Save the Angel Oak” ( on this episode. The Angel Oak is hundreds of years old and stands as the home tree of Gullah/Geechees. It is located on John’s Island, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation and is being threatened by destructionment. Part 1: Part [...]